I picked up this book after I sensed some similarity between the book and my new assignment, value maps. It was definitely a worthwhile exercise, in the sense that it gave me a thorough understanding of Strategy maps and Balance scored card. The understanding does put a lot of my experiences and learning’s in a holistic perspective. To begin with, I was always skeptical of the word, ‘strategy’, not only because it figures out as a prominent word in the bull fighter software, but also because it is used by so many people in so many circumstances that it had lost significance to me.

Surprisingly, the framework put forth by Kaplan and Norton summarizes the strategy in a one pager and helps one to connect the various metrics that a company tracks and the overall strategy of the firm. It helps the metrics tracked by Balanced Scored card method to be viewed in such a way that it all ties to the overall strategy of the organization.

The following summarizes the entire book, though the book covers each of the element in a very comprehensive detail.
