This company Bluedot was launched at gnomedex 2006. The founder says that " Either there are only social networking sites OR only information based sites..There’s nothing to connect them..So, we came up with this idea where one can use Social Networking for information"

Hmm…I do not agree with him. Wisdom of crowds is clearly established beyond doubt in the media. Digg is a superb example in that league..Now why would I depend on lets say friends for information where there is a whole world outside to give me a wider variety of information. Music makes sense because I can hang out with people who like similar bands, etc etc…Music , videos, entertainment, fashion are all tastes of individuals and it is possible that social marketing and such needs/wants gel …But what’s information got to do with social marketing. If I want some info on Finance related stuff, I will probably go to seeking alpha. If I need some info on Mortgage , I would probably check on some Mortgage info aggregator. Why is social networking rearing its head in this space…Something is wrong with the model…anyway market will soon decide how the bluedot story pans out.