Echoes of an online blogger whom I can sympathize with:

“Monday morning, I again tackled my blog surplus. As I started looking through the blogs I track to decide which ones to weed out, I got reading. And following links. Within half an hour, I had removed three blogs but added nine new ones. By lunchtime I had committed myself to 274 feeds – 17 more than I had started the day with – containing 3,624 items. But hey, it isn’t hopeless. I only have 3,582 more blog posts to read. At present reading speeds, and assuming nothing happens between now and then, I should be up to speed by November 2033.

This is the problem with blogs. They’re too good. Sure, among those 35 million-plus there are probably some real turkeys. But find one good one, and you’ll quickly find dozens more. By definition, each blog isn’t hermetically sealed, since it contains links to other blogs. Like me, you’ll get sucked in very quickly, following links like paper trails until the early hours.

The challenge, then, is to turn the blogging world into a place where you’re only able to read what you can manage, and to ensure that what you’re reading is the best there is on the subject.”