Garnett & Helfrich Capital

Garnett & Helfrich Capital is the first fund to exclusively focus on the emerging venture buyout segment for mid-sized technology spinouts. Formed in March 2004, with $250,250,000 in capital from leading institutional investors and educational endowments and now expanded to $350,350,000, the firm invests in buyouts in the enterprise software, communications and networking, semiconductors, data processing, and internet content/infrastructure segments of the technology industry.

Garnett & Helfrich Capital is actively looking for
acquisition opportunities where the business has ongoing annual revenue
of $40,000,000 to $200,000,000, a positive brand and solid reputation
in the marketplace for technological excellence, and an installed base
of customers who have an enduring relationship with the business.

businesses may (or may not) be profitable or cash flow positive, may be
in need of new technology and products to expand the existing offering,
and may be “broken and orphaned” within the parent organization.
However, these spinout businesses must possess the potential to be
turned into great operating companies that can grow revenue and profits
dramatically in the coming years as standalone entities.