Now this definitely falls in the category of a purple cow.

  • Focus - Superbly focused on niche NRI population who want to get things done quickly and don’t mind paying a fee for the same

  • Stands out from the rest of the crowd like  banks who offer financial services etc.

  • Market Size - 25 million Population , obviously not all NRIs would use it. But even if 10% have some sort of work that needs to be done in India, be it filing tax returns, arrange for travel for parents, etc….that’s a cool 2.5 million target base

  • There is a certainly story building element built in to the service where it is easier for the sneezers to spread the word around

  • Management team - TTK. suffice to say

  • Rev Model - Very clear, from day one, from customer one…No issues on that

  • Future competitors - This kind of service more than anything needs to be create buzz among NRIs.I am sure there would be a thousands of sites who might be doing a part of what this service does, But can it back it up and ward off competitors with a brand name which instantly creates a ring in customer’s mind

  • Get Friday Service - 295 usd per month - Virtual assistant, another innovative element of the service which takes care of personal to do items of a customer

While writing this post, I stumbled on to an analyst site. Competition in KPO sector is hotting up. Its just a matter of time, every kind of financial modeling and statistical modeling skills would be available among a large section of indian population. Anyway I am digressing from the original intent of the post.
If Virtual assistant is the extent to which things can be outsourced,  is India becoming an army of service workers? Can the youngsters come out of this service mould and actually develop innovative products ? !!