Who is Sir Alan Sugar ?

Sir Alan Michael Sugar (born 24 March 1947 in Hackney, London) is an English businessman of Jewish descent. He has an estimated fortune of over £800 million and was ranked 55th in the Sunday Times Rich List 2005. He left school in Hackney and started selling fruit and veg out of a van.He is a donor to the British Labour Party. In 2005 he stepped into the BBC TV series, The Apprentice. The American version of the show, starring entrepreneur Donald Trump, had already proven popular in the USA.He was knighted in 2000 for his contributions to business.
Sir Alan believes that discipline is the most important characteristic of an entrepreneur.He believes that there needs be a stonge desire to be self sufficient. Only then a person can make a difference in his life as well as other people’s lives. Also one needs to be aggressive to get things done. Any slack behavior is immediately reflected in the work. Here is how, Sir Alan describes ann entrepreneur:

“Its a way you are born, what’s in you, brain power, fast brain aptitude for the business you are in, quick understanding of what can be done and what can’t be done, watching the way markets change, jumping in quickly and exploiting then, and having the sense of  what the end-user wants."