Garage gyan 101 Lesson Revisited

What is the difference between a business model and revenue model?
A business model is the umbrella term used to describe the method - position in the value chain, customer selection, products, pricing – of doing business. Simply put, a business model describes how a business positions itself within the value chain of its industry and how it intends to sustain itself, that is to generate revenue.
Mobile e-business is not so much a technological problem anymore. It is a business model dilemma for firms that want revenue and a marketing problem for firms that want to sell a convenience with sound economics.

The revenue model lays-out the process by which a company actually makes money by specifying how it is going to charge (or subsidize in the case of advertising supported models) for the services provided. The business model lays out the strategy – what should be done or how to create value? The revenue model spells out the execution – how to convert the value creation into cash-flow.