Where do Ideas come from ? I mean for businesses to start offering a new product / service . It is usually from a set of customer troubles / anger / feedack/ routine work which gives rise to business opportunities . Lets start with this post at 52 projects which actually talk of loads of new opportunities to create business.

Let me go through the not-to-do list and come up with an idea for each one of them , which can make life easier to a lot of folks :

Some of the applications would have already hit the market / can be potential apps

  1. Do not check your email : Get notified by email, mobile, mail server being smart enough to send mails to the inbox at a pace which is comfortable to the user.
  2. Do not go to nytimes.com: Media blog aggregators, smart tag aggregators (aka google alerts aka.),
  3. Do not decide to organize your cd rack: Why cant be there an automatic CD organizer which alerts for any mismatch cd vis-a-vis cd rackholder . Kill the problem at the source
  4. Do not turn on the television: TIVO, get video feeds as blog entries(next step from podcasting ,videocasting ) , a timer on the television which dynamically gets started the moment one switches on and tells the cumulative time one spends watching TV and compares it with some statistics that are changing so rapidly in the world . Basically, the idea is to make the user realize that he is wasting time on watching the dumb TV
  5. Do not clip your nails.
  6. Do not stare at your bald spot in the mirror and begin to calculate how much time your hair has left: Anti ageing market, hair transplantation tools etc. I think this will be an evergreen market for as long as people are conscious of their looks, there will always be a terrific market for products in this area.
  7. Do not start catching up on the DVDs that have arrived from Netflix: A system which helps one in time tracking and tells the user how many long hours are needed to watch all the pending DVDs and suggest the user in an intelligent way , the calendar options for the same
  8. Do not update your Netflix queue. : same as #7
  9. Do not Google all your Exes : People Search, blog search, name search, Identity directory
  10. Do not Google yourself: Tag counter, google pagerank, technorati-who links me, site statistic tools like feedreader, etc.
  11. Do not decide to make yourself an elaborate lunch.: Saving time - more ready made quality food available off the shelves, home delivery food market
  12. Do not take a nap : Energy tablets , drinks, beverages to keep one always enthusastic and energetic
  13. Do not change the cat litter.: Smart machines

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