A few years back, my friend and I came up with a business case for demand forecasting tool for the retailing industry.

Here is what Mariott does , using the same concept. This model as such was present from 1980s where it was first used in the airlines industry. Look at what James Marriot has done to the concept. Applying an old idea to a totally different context.Hats off to him !

An example of this is the demand forecasting model that Marriott employs in its hotels. This system was originally modeled after something that airlines have been using for years. Marriott began using this system about a decade ago and it has allowed them to control demand for an entire geographic region. If one hotel is close to selling out the pricing is automatically adjusted in real time for all other Marriott hotels in that part of the country. Marriott can literally control the pricing of their product down to the last room available in a huge market.