An Excerpt :

Most selling opportunities involve three parties–a seller, a buyer, and the seller’s competition, the crucial third party overlooked in traditional selling strategies.By shifting your focus to the relationship between your prospect and
the competition, you can stop selling and start winning.Just as you protect your own accounts from competitors, current
providers will try to stop you from winning business from their clients.

No two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. You must knock the present provider off his or her throne in order to win the business.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you attack the provider, your prospect will get defensive and shut down.

An object at rest tends to stay at rest. Most prospect-provider relationships are objects at rest, in part because prospects have lowered their expectations to the service they are currently receiving.

Your prospect’s pain regarding his or her current service is the outside force you can use either to break the prospect-provider
relationship or to top your other competitors, and win the business. It is what permits you to use The Wedge to get your competition fired.Factoring in the competition literally changes the way selling is done. The next chapter shows you how The Wedge will powerfully enhan