Now this is interesting. There have been quite an number of instances where blog authors have given away books, writtern blogs exclusively of books which are due to be released(Long tail, Clue train, freakonomics, Google search etc)..But Tom Evslin takes a totally different approach where books and blog experience are combined in to one.

Blooks are online books distributed on blogs. There are only a couple of them in existence so we are making up the rules as we go along. My book an historic murder mystery set in the Internet bubble and rubble is being serialized as a blook starting today (hardcover to follow) and this post describes the way we implemented that blook. Other people may implement blooks differently. We will probably change the way we’ve implemented this blook depending on the feedback we get from readers.

The first question you may have is “why would anyone distribute a book on a blog?” Good question. There are four reasons. First, blogs are where the readers are. Second, readers find blogs without the help of traditional gatekeepers; blogs are “discovered” and become successful (or don’t) in an interesting democratic way. Third, online distribution makes it economically feasible to distribute free copies of the book. Fourth, an online book should do things a print book can’t.

Check this site for a different reading experience.To begin with there is a blook mark similar to a physical bookmark which we know of.Secondly story revolves around dotcom times, which definitely were one of the most exciting times.