ABC News:
Where can Moore’s law hold good ?
Andy Grove once said that the ultimate goal of the electronics revolution was to convert every part of human life, where possible, from analog to digital. By that he meant that whenever you could find something that could be managed by digital systems — not an automobile but an engine computer, not a doctor but patient diagnostic and monitoring equipment, not a chromosome but gene mapping — it was like strapping that industry to a comet. Almost overnight the rate of change literally became exponential, improvements asymptotic, and miracles began to occur.

Look at any field of human endeavor, and if it has been touched by Moore’s Law, it has undergone a revolution in the last few decades — and the degree to which it has been transformed is likely in direct proportion to how much of that endeavor can be digitized. For example, just consider what happened to the telephone industry when it went digital, or to genetic research with the arrival of bioinformatics. I remember the electricity that shot through an industry conference a few years ago when a speaker put up the familiar curved chart and announced that the biotech industry had now jumped aboard Moore’s Law.

What is the story of every great venture capitalist or entrepreneur — and every great new fortune — of the last three decades: spotting industries about to emerge from, or be governed by, Moore’s Law.