Olivier Travers :The Microsof t Office I Really Want:

What I want is an internet application with a desktop frontend, with a choice of providers you can plug into, just like you can source other hosting services. The whole “internet Excel stack” should automagically normalize and synchronize the pseudo database work that most people do with it. And if it looks and tastes like a bunch of names and addresses, I should likewise be able to read/write/synch them through Outlook contacts. Wikify/blogify Outlook Today to have a mini-portal to point people to stuff and keep them on the same page (putthat stuff on the private web too), and we’re all set.

The magic part so unlike what’s available today is that you could start right from Excel, doing the junk you’ve done with it for a decade, but now it gets all cleaned up and consolidated so that your team can jump in without email attachments and tedious manual mergers. With synchronization down to the cell level (Just Figure It Out, sharing whole files is technology from last century and it’s a waste of our time).