Intercasting : Vision - LMNO

We want to show people how to go way beyond voice communication. Our ultimate goal is to be the world’s largest Location-aware Media Network Operator (LMNO), connecting people through user-generated mobile relevant content. It is a different vision for a different kind of media company. Instead of dialing 411, you’ll ask your device “Is there a good independent band playing around here tonight?” Your profile will filter content you’ve created with other people’s channels and connect you to a flash community of people who can help you find an answer that is contextually relevant. This is the ultimate in localized and personalized search and directory.

Traditional broadcast media is one-to-many. Peer-to-peer is many-to-one. Intercasting is few-to-few. Media distribution is no longer pushed one way through a linear value chain, it is virally distributed through layers of overlapping personal networks. People connect around a concept, a place or event for just long enough to derive mutual value then disburse to form new connections around other points of value. The media you create is the nucleus for these flash communities. Your mobile phone will turn into a location-enabled media publication and networking power tool to connect you with your world.