I have never thought of this idea till this day when I came across a post in headrush. It was quite a nice idea to build something in flat 24 hours even if it is crap. I am planning to try out this weekend with rails. Only problem is that I do not have a domain name as such and an IP..I need to work out on the details.

Can you imagine yubnub.orgĀ  was built in exactly 24 hours ? I guess long gone are the days when one needs to think of projects where the unit of measurement is months, weeks..The new available infra has crashed down the development time to 1 day.

In this way , we must see more and more bloodbath in web 2.0 . Jeff Bezos compared the dot com era to Cambrain explosion..I guess he will be at loss of words to compare this kind of rapid experimentation seen in web2.0