
I am blogging this post on a weekend,but in noways does that it mean that I suffer from “Weekend Neurosis”, a syndrome which affects quite a few on the weekends. In this syndrome, an individual cannot handle the idleness that he is engulfed with during the weekends. The weekdays are more or less controlled by the external world, like the work place,etc..But weekends are the times when he has the time to actually do something he wants to do. Many a folk dont know what to do, becoz probably they still do not know what they like doing, or want to escape the brilliant independence and pursue activities which are more external driven

I have grown a great fascination towards Monk who sold his Ferrari series. I picked up the sequel to the book and came across nice quotes that emphasize that every person must work know his true calling and spend ta life time in the activity.

The author says that once a person connects with some kind of higher purpose, he/she automatically brings passion and energy in to his life. One starts becoming aware of things that should not matter in life. It so happens that we typically focus on a lot of activities which are mostly irrelevant, but still we pursue them becoz , its the mind OR heart that controls our behavior. Once we allow a healthy balance of mind AND heart, we definitely lead a more peaceful and calm life. We grow richer in all aspects, be it spiritual, intellectual,and yeah! who knows financially too.

I for one believe strongly that Life is a dynamic script. Yes, there is some rough sketch that is planned for us by the universe, but there are zillions of times when the decisions we make takes us through one path or the other. The way we choose our thinking, decides the way we behave, and ultimately the outcome of our lives. So, in a sense Life is a dynamic script where the universe always wants you to win. However, it is up to the person to think wisely and make intelligent choices with his time and realize the purpose for which he is there on this planet.

Probably the post has become a little too long, I think I should stop now, but before I end , here’s a quote by Og Mandino, the author of  book titled, “The greatest salesman in the world”:

“I am not in this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow in to a mountain , not to shrink to a grain of sand”