U know what to call single-mindedness ? I think there is no better example than this :

Prakash Padukone , the Indian Badminton Champ , for six years in a row did not watch a single movie while he was undergoing a rigorous training regime. He would wake up at 5:30 , go for a 10 km run, return home for breakfast, exercise, then play two-and-a-half hours of badminton, come back at noon and sleep for two hours. He would then wake up at 2:30 in the afternoon, exercise till 3:00 , play badminton between 4:00 and 7:00 , have his dinner and go to bed by 8:30. He maintained this incredibly disciplined lifestyle for six years with out a break, seven days a week!

This is the dedication one requires in the pursuit of excellence in ones chosen field