I have been away from the blog world for a fortnight or so . It gives me a feeling that I have been away for a decade.

My work involved relocation to a new place and hence the pause in my blogging activity. I am back to working in a company and I have realized that unless one actively puts some discipline in to one’s schedule and checks out the latest happenings on the net, it is very easy to become “Institutionalized”- My favorite word for people who resist change and get adapted to an environment of safety haven. Infact I caught on to this word some years ago, when I watched Morgan Freeman in “The Shawshank’s redemption " , where 30 years in to prison makes him a different person where in he actually likes his life at prison and dreads to live a civilized life.

That’s when Tom Robbins, the protagonist says, " There are only 2 options in life - Get busy living OR get busy dying " - Every dialog in the movie is a gem, anyway a post on it someother day.

After 15 days devoid of net, I am now happily checking out the latest stuff on the net thanks to a damn inexpensive airtel broadband option. Speed seems to be ok, but there is a cap on the download limit of 1 GB.

Anyways as they say -One always feels excited at the start of a journey and more so when the destination is uncertain. I am at one such point in my life, a journey that I am about to start. There’s a feeling of anxiety, excitement and whole loads of enthu as I begin my little steps towards my goal….

In Star Wars fashion , I sign off by saying - " May the force be with me "