Einstein_430x562Its 100 years since Einstein has published 5 papers which shook the Physics world.
They were:
1. Einstein’s first paper, submitted in March, concerned quantum physics, the peculiar realm of the ultra-tiny in which certainties are replaced by fuzzy clouds of probability.Light was a particle as well as a wave

2. Einstein’s secondĀ  paper comprised prediction that the size of molecules could be gauged by the effects of dissolving sugar in a liquid.

3. Einstein’s third paper entailed the description of the mechanism underlying Brownian motion–a particle’s small random movements named after botanist named Robert Brown who observed pollen grains jiggling in water.

4. Einstein’s fourth paper simply did away with the idea of the ether and said light moves at the same speed–about 186,000 miles per second–regardless of the speed of the observer. The same beam of light will appear to be a different color to two observers moving at different speeds, but the beam will still be moving at the same speed compared with either of them

5. Einstein’s fifth paper said Mass and energy are equivalent, and a change in a particle’s mass is associated with a change in its energy.

Only a genius can make such a huge contribution in a year’s time.