The opportunities enabled by RFID beyond the supply chain fall into three categories: safety and security, mobile asset management and complex process simplification.
Safety and Security :**
The first benefit among this category is the reduction or elimination of theft and counterfeiting. RFID can also be applied to important, sensitive or valuable documents, providing document security and also avoiding productivity-consuming searches for missing files.

Mobile Asset  Management
Many industries have many millions of dollars invested in mobile/moveable assets that are needed for internal operations or to serve customers.Often, the amount of time such equipment is in actual use, known as asset utilization, is quite low, sometimes due to lack of information about its whereabouts or condition. This comes at a significant financial cost. This cost can be minimized
Complex Process Simplification**
Complex process simplification using RFID technology can offer particularly important benefits to many enterprises. Many organizations have processes and workflows with a lengthy “chain of custody,” where a product, asset, document or even a person is “touched” by many different people and/or pieces of equipment at different times, with few if any being involved from beginning to end.
**_IT Strategy_** should include data management, network and end-user device management, and a new category for many IT organizations, sensor management

Network and end-user management follows from the pattern that information views will be need to be constructed assuming that a handheld computer, BlackBerry device or even a cell phone will be the recipient’s platform of choice for receiving information and providing updates. These compact platforms will require new thinking in how to process a great deal of data in ways that provide essential information to the user yet doesn’t filter it excessively, in a readily useable format.

Sensor Management :IT organizations will need a new set of capabilities and skill sets to manage the proliferation of RFID readers and tags and to understand the processes within which they operate. To effectively provide sensor management, IT needs to ensure that standards are set for tags, readers and how they are deployed.

Link:The Impact of RFID on Business Operations and IT Infrastructure - Computerworld: