On-Again, Off-Again Entrepreneurs:
The on-again off-again entrepreneur is someone who moves back and forth between being employed and owning his or her own business – multiple times.

Looking at my current conditions, I definitely fall under On-Again Off-Again Entrepreneur.Out of the three profiles mentioned I  fall under 20-something or 30-something entrpreneur
20-something or 30-something entrepreneur -** This person has a strong desire to be a business owner, but faces financial commitments – because of a young family perhaps – that require taking a job. Our thirties tend to be some of the heaviest spending years, because of buying homes and raising children. So it is no surprise a person may feel financially-pressed, and feel he or she has to take a job out of necessity.

This person may have started a business previously, and found it did not grow fast enough to provide a reliable income, or wasn’t successful for whatever reason. The lessons this person learns during an initial foray into entrepreneurship can be put to use the next time around the startup cycle. Often the aspiring entrepreneur in this situation will be putting aside money while employed, so as to have a stake for starting the next business.