Some facts and Quotes about Raising Seed Capital - Via Paul Allen

  • Angels fund 30-40 times more companies than VCs, but they do much smaller deals.

  • VCs fund 1-3% of the deals they look at

  • Angels fund 22% of the deals they seriously consider

  • Angels fund 84% of rounds under $250,000

  • #1 source of initial funding for startups is entrepreneur’s own savings (74%)

  • 10-15% of entrepreneurs who pitch at non-profit capital forums raise money

  • 40% of entrepreneurs who pitch at venture forum meetings get funding

  • Top two criteria for angels to invest in an entrepreneur are 1)
    enthusiasm of the entrepreneur and 2) trustworthiness of the

  • 94% of angels consider location to be very important in their decision   

  • 80% would have made more investments over the past 3 years if they had seen more good plans