Anthony says what made him succeed :

I guess what I’m saying, is that it’s possibly just the person behind the business. Some people are born leaders, others are followers. I guess when followers attempt to become leaders, some succeed, some get by and some fail. A good leader will never truly fail, as if one approach doesn’t work, they will have another ready to use, and another and so on until adaptation is precise to succeed. I see this in people I know who run very successful multi million dollar businesses. They are doers, not sayers. They just get in and do what needs to be done, instead of sitting around talking about it and strategising the outcome. Did you know that none of the Fortune 100 CEO’s where tertiary educated when they succeeded? But there vice presidents and so forth were. See who the leader is vs. the follower. The doer vs. the thinker.

If you have a great concept, don’t share it, just make it work and follow up with it.