Google takes 2.5 word query and displays 10 results in a second, - I mean how faster can a search engine be - A whole lot of information is accessible. what next ? Come to think of it , what is needed is user interface which not only lets users remember what they have visited, it makes the search experience very personal.

This is not some thing which is not already being worked on This company works on making email search products and is developing state of the art search engine products which blurs the distinction between the PC and the net, thus providing a customizable search experience.

Long way to go , I guess when one will not longer use the terms such as browse or search for information , but use words like " I will log in to my network and find out what i need " - knowledge from accumulation of search results of a user will be used to design a customized interface – I am sure as I write there will be atleast a dozen companies working on the next generation search interfaces. Google’s of world - Watch out for these players